/* Copy.c */
/* Adaptation of Recyclable Object  <<  'firstwd.c'.         */
/* Revision to be 'shiftedLine()' */
/* Actually, this is simple Copy routine, and the crucial part of
   Shift takes place by the assignment in main() by Pointer jump.

	  else if(strncmp(inline, "Directory of C", 14)==0){
		 shiftedLine(jumpColumn30, &inline[29]);
		 fprintf (outfp1, "%s", jumpColumn30);
	  }														 */
/* The version below can accomodate all characters,
   because the Pointer is just copying the source 'from'     */
/* So, I renamed this to 'copy.c', this name is more intuitive.  */

#include <ctype.h>

extern char *shiftedLine (char *to, char *from)

   while (*from!='\0') *to++ = *from++;
   *to = '\0';
   return (from);
